Ariel Acosta
3 min readJan 4, 2021

Challenge 2. Wireframing.

Wireframing mobile app. Ticketmaster.


As part of our preparation as UX/UI designer, Ironhack this time challenge us with a new exercise that demand some skills in order to draw a scheme about the way that we are able to develop news concepts related to a project that we will face as a professional.

Wireframing is a first structural visual representation of a project that we want to build. Present in early stages of the process is a technique that involve not to invest to many resources and iterations of the product that still remain indefinite.

In this new challenge scenario, I choose a mobile app. that I use a lot when entertainment industry we talk: Ticketmaster, a memorable company’s ticket sales that include venues, artist and promoters. Here the clients control their events and set ticket prices, and the platform sells tickets that the clients make available to them. So in that way, my purpose is to analyze through a wireframe process how the app. become convenient and so useful.

First time for a user, we are thinking that the purpose of this app. is to facilitate them the purchase options in a fast and easy way, selecting into the huge spectrum of attractions, the one that they have for preference and including the option to filter.

Wireframing process.

Ticketmaster shows in his first screen “Home screen” 3 modality of entertainment, of course, related to a music preference: the “Exclusives”, the update “Music News” and a new incorporation due a news global circumstances : “Live from Hom”.

In this screen you are able to select which category are you searching. In the second one, you select your option from the menu, trying to refine your preferences by area, date and specific place, I choose in order to follow the sequence, The Exclusives. In the next one, your ’re able to search, select, place your seat, pay and confirm the tickets.

Wireframing in Figma

Final Thoughts

Finally I can conclude that this experiment provide me a great satisfaction when analyzing a product you have to go through his first steps on their process, understanding the basis reasons of the wireframing conception.

I learn how important is the Wireframing into the design process once we are conceiving the primary idea from the stakeholder. Rapid ideation, quick sketch, are the first key skills that help us in the beginning, in order to facilitate, and not distract our design, that why it’s require a high consistency.

The improvements are associate with the software that ultimately you will use in order to create an iteration, even when the beginning for a designer could be difficult.

It was a real challenge that I appreciate, but understanding the process I learn to respect when we have to keep in a low-fi and when we are ready to go to the next step.

Please feel free to leave any suggestion and comments.

Thank you for reading!!